
Wednesday, 28 August 2013

ASP.Net Tutorial 1 Free and Easy

 ASP.Net Tutorial 1

The basics:

Using c# code above your HTML to hold variables:



<!DOCTYPE html>

Then you can add a object such as date and time:

var currentDateTime = DateTime.Now;
so then it looks like this: 

var currentDateTime = DateTime.Now;
and then you can implement the variable into your html such as this:
        <p>Right now it's @currentdatetime PM</p>
Now with using the above steps we can make a simple calculator. 
var a = 4;
   var b = 5;
   var theSum = a + b;
using the basic programming numeracy skills you can then incorporate that code 
into a body tag like we learnt above. 
IF Statements
   message = "Welcome";
This is bassically showing you if whatever = something then messagebox = welcome

Very basic more coming very soon this is getting harder as we go through so keep studying!


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